University President holds an expanded working session to activate English language training for professors

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University President holds an expanded working session to activate English language training for professors  

As part of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s efforts to promote the use of the English language by university professors, 
 Today, December 11, 2022, Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, held an extended working session with the Director of the Intensive Language Education Center, Dr. Ammar Mostafawi, and the supervising professors from the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Department of English, and the Vice-Presidents of the University, Deans of Faculties, and professors concerned with training. The University Director opened the working session, thanking the attendees for responding to the training program and that training in the English language is of particular importance to the university professor and is part of the sector’s future strategy. The Director highlighted the axes adopted by the university within the framework of this approach, which is the possibility of opening registrations exceptionally for a batch of professors to obtain a second certificate in the English language specialization. 
The process of registering desires has begun on the platform designated for this purpose, and he gave instructions to the supervisors to activate it starting tomorrow, in addition to the possibility of benefiting from distance learning through the designated educational platform.
Involving the University of Continuing Education to register for technical English during the next season.
The Director stressed the need to follow up on the programming of the courses taught in English in order to activate them in various colleges.
Regarding the supervision and training process supervised by the Intensive Language Education Center and with the aim of ensuring quality training, the university president stressed the participation of the English Language Department in the training processes and emphasized that the start should be before the winter break.
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