The university director tours the Veterinary Sciences Department and congratulates its students

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 The university director tours the Veterinary Sciences Department and congratulates its students
Today, Tuesday, September 26, 2023, the Rector of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his deputy for studies, Professor Bashir Manai, made an inspection visit to the Department of Veterinary Sciences at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, where they were received by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdel Malek Zaatar, and his deputy for Studies, Dr. Al-Ayesh Ammar El-Tohamy. The Head of the Veterinary Sciences Department, Dr. Hamad Ibrahim, the Head of the Agricultural Sciences Department, Dr. Ismail Mahdah, his deputy, Dr. Qasimi Yassin, the Secretary-General, and a number of the college’s professors and employees, where the University Rector was briefed on the start of the course of the lessons, and through him, the University Rector gave an orientation speech to the specialty students, congratulating them on their affiliation to the University of the Valley. This is the new specialization for this season 2023/2024. He also stressed the importance of giving the utmost importance and providing all the necessary capabilities for the distinguished process of training students along the lines of all necessary pedagogical and scientific means, providing many instructions and advice to the students on the need to work diligently and actively. He also praised the efforts made by the Department Head, Dr. Hamad Ibrahim, to give a very distinguished image. The university director then toured the exhibition that was held on the occasion, where the department head gave him explanations on the completed work, which were in the form of introductory posters addressed to students of the specialization about the teaching method, the standards taught, the professional prospects for the specialization, etc. The university director also reviewed the explanatory posters. Which was prepared for all the standards that the students will study. He also visited a pavilion dedicated to displaying some of the medicines and devices that are used in the veterinary field. The Director concluded his visit by thanking the Dean of the College and the Head of the Department for their keenness and the efforts made.



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