The Vice President of the Regional Symposium for the East reviews the conclusions of the Modernization Working Group to the Valley university community

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The Vice President of the Regional Symposium for the East reviews the conclusions of the Modernization Working Group to the Valley university community  

On January 23, 2023, Mr. Bouchar Marzouk Fahim, Vice President of the Eastern Regional Conference, supervised the work of the University Modernization Working Group meeting, which was hosted by the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar.
The University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, welcomed the attendees, which included the Vice-Rectors, Deans of Faculties and University executives, before giving the floor to the Vice-President of the Regional Symposium, who presented on the big screen the conclusions of the Modernization Working Group and the proposed axes. According to the Ministry’s approach, the new fields have been reduced from 14 pedagogical and scientific fields to only five fields, and the number of departments has decreased from about 80 departments to 36 departments, where close fields have been grouped and linked, such as the field of humanities, social sciences and mathematics, the field of economics, political science and law, the field of arts and translation, the field of life and health sciences, and the field of science and technology, which includes sciences, techniques, material sciences, computer science, earth sciences and the universe.
The Vice President of the Regional Symposium also presented the concept of university poles that the Ministry intends to adopt after enriching the project with the university family, as these poles, which include a group of universities and university centers geographically close to each other, enable joint benefit from scientific and logistical capabilities within the framework of the concept of the university pole. The meeting witnessed many discussions and proposals from the attendees regarding the points presented.
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