Professor Ammar Al-Zoubi appointed as Vice President of the University in charge of development and foresight

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Professor Ammar Al-Zoubi appointed as Vice President of the University in charge of development and foresight
Done today 09-06-2023 inauguration Professor Ammar Al-Zoubi Deputy For the manager the university Expensive With development And foresight He succeeded Professor Abdel Halim Lasoud, who moved to other tasks.
He supervised the process ofinauguration Mr. Director the university Professor Omar Farhati during a meeting that included his deputies, deans of colleges and their deputies for studies, the Secretary-General, the Head of the Maintenance and Resources Department, the Director of the Library, and the Head of the Networks Department.
Mr. Director praised the university He praised the great efforts made by his former deputy throughout the years he held the aforementioned position. He also noted the seriousness and activity of the new deputy, a descendant of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and his knowledge of the legal system that qualifies him for the new mission. Dr. Abdel Halim Lasoud andProfessor Ammar Al-Zoubi Words on the occasion amidst the attendees’ congratulations and best wishes to the new official and farewell to the former official



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