The Algerian delegation visited the Model School Complex for Simulation and Training in Nabergny, Russia

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The Algerian delegation visited the Model School Complex for Simulation and Training in Nabergny, Russia

The Director of the Russian University of Nabergeny Chelny, Ms. Alvinur Galyakaberova, has scheduled a special meeting with the Director of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar-El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, and his accompanying delegation to present the innovative program for simulating the teaching profession for university students. According to the professors and researchers, this program provides students with training to deal with various pedagogical situations. Within the department during teaching according to multiple stages that rely on smart assessment and evaluation to ensure the quality of education before starting field work.
After the presentation, the Director of the Russian University of Naberezhnye Chelnya scheduled a field visit for the Algerian delegation through the planned program for a model school complex for training to view the outcomes of this program for students graduating from Naberezhnye Chelny University. The Algerian delegation and the University Rector also raised many research and cognitive questions about the simulation program and how it is linked to the quality of education and its educational outcomes, how the professor who consists of it can benefit from it, research into simulation mechanisms, and the consolidation of the principles of various didactics, both public and private.






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