Evaluation meeting of the Director of Al Wadi University on the classification and visibility of the university

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Evaluation meeting of the Director of Al Wadi University on the classification and visibility of the university
Today, November 14, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised an evaluation meeting on the visibility and classification of the university's website. The meeting was attended by his deputies for external relations, training in the third phase and scientific research, pedagogy, deans of faculties and their deputies after graduation, the sub-director of means and the person in charge of monitoring the website, Professor Zuhair Tayr, in the company of Dr. Bashir Ben Saghir and the person in charge of improving the university's visibility, Professor Ammar Zaabi, the head of the network and communication systems service and the central site manager.
The University President opened the meeting, pointing out the need to evaluate the level of the university’s visibility, calling on those concerned to solve the existing problems in order to improve the university’s visibility and ranking. Dr. Bashir Bin Saghir gave a presentation on the recorded observations that require urgent solutions, while Dr. Ammar Zaabi gave a presentation on collecting and counting information and translating it into English to improve the university’s visibility in the QS and THE global rankings.
Professor Boubaker Mansour also gave a presentation on the ongoing preparations for the international doctoral conference that the university will organize on December 11-12-13.
During the meeting, it was decided to form a visual follow-up committee for the university under the supervision of a specialized expert, in addition to holding a meeting to determine those responsible for statistics and data collection at the level of the eight colleges.










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