Evaluation meeting of the Director of Al Wadi University on the classification and visibility of the university

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Evaluation meeting of the Director of Al Wadi University on the classification and visibility of the university

Today, January 15, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised an evaluation meeting on the visibility and classification of the university’s website and the measures taken to promote the University of El Oued in various classifications. The meeting was attended by the Vice-Directors of the University in charge of development and foresight, Professor Ammar Al-Zaabi, the Chairman of the Visibility and Promotion Committee of the University’s Website, Professor Rahuma Farhat, in charge of scientific research, the Deans of the Faculties, the Director of the Central Library, and the person in charge of monitoring the website, Professor Zuhair Tayr, along with Dr. Bashir Bin Saghir, representatives of networks and communication systems, the Central Website Officer, and members of the Visibility Committee from professors and specialists. The University Director opened the meeting, highlighting the importance of the university’s visibility and its promotion in all classifications, thanking the attendees and members of the committee for everything they provide to the scientific and research side. The floor was given to the Chairman of the Committee, Professor Ammar Zaabi, who in turn referred to the efforts of the Committee members. Dr. Bashir Bin Saghir presented a current presentation on the Webmetrics and Uni Ramk standards and the university rankings, which are based on several standards, including visibility and scientific publications in Google Scholar. He pointed out some of the noticeable technical problems and the indexing of the digital repository data and various recorded points and notes necessary to upgrade and develop the university’s website. For his part, Professor Tayr Zuhair presented a presentation on the international classification of universities THE and the scientific standards adopted in that, the impact classification, the data placement table and the strategy for improving visibility. Professor Laouid Abdul Qader also presented a presentation in which he discussed the university’s ranking in Qs.
The Director also discussed the points raised with the attendees and stressed the need to follow up on the evaluation of the level reached by the university’s visibility, calling on those concerned and responsible to resolve the existing problems in order to improve the university’s visibility and classification in international rankings, which requires a joint scientific and technical effort from everyone.






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