The University President visits the university residences and checks the readiness of their structures

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The University President visits the university residences and checks the readiness of their structures
As part of the continuous follow-up of the 2023/2024 university admission, today, Wednesday, September 13, Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar - El Oued - Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by Mr. Director of University Services Jamal Quraisha, Mr. Secretary-General of the University, Mr. Head of the Monitoring and Coordination Department of University Services, and Mr. Directors of University Residences, made a field and inspection visit to the university residences of Saoudi Bashir, Haddi Saleh, Hami Masouda, Belhadi Abdelkader, Soukia Bashir, and to check the readiness of all university residences to receive our students.
The University President also inspected all the newly developed facilities in digital tickets for restaurants, the revolving entrance and the face scanner, in which the university services of the University of the Valley excelled in all residences and with a distinctive digital work according to what was specified by the supervising ministry. Accompanied by the cadres and the Director of University Services, the University President stood on important aspects related to the cleanliness of the residences’ surroundings, inspecting the rooms and the restaurant and the readiness of all facilities to receive the students of the Valley in very special conditions. At the end of the visit, the University President praised the effectiveness of the University Services family, the Director of Services, its cadres and employees, and all the efforts and keeping pace with the digitization processes to provide the best for our students in terms of housing, food and receiving them in special conditions that help them achieve their scientific and research goals.

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