The Director of Al Wadi University concludes his field visits to the colleges 

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The Director of Al Wadi University concludes his field visits to the colleges 
Today, October 27, 2022, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, concluded his field visits to the faculties and the Institute of Islamic Sciences. 
This series of practical visits, which the University President began two weeks ago, is part of the follow-up and monitoring of the work of university institutions and ensuring their smooth running in terms of pedagogical, scientific and managerial aspects.
The last stop of the field visits program included the Institute of Islamic Sciences, the College of Arts and Languages, the College of Economics, Management Sciences, and Commercial Sciences, and the College of Law and Political Science. 
The University President was accompanied by his deputies, the University Secretary General and the Sub-Director of Resources and Maintenance. These visits took place in the presence of the administrative and pedagogical team of the faculties, including Secretaries General, Heads of Departments and Heads of Services, led by the Director of the Institute of Islamic Sciences, Professor Ibrahim Rahmani, and the deans of the faculties, namely Professor Dalal Washan, the new Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Professor Hisham Labza, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management Sciences and Commercial Sciences, and Professor Mekki Draji, Dean of the Faculty of Law. 
At each visit station, the University President gave a presentation on the university in terms of scientific, organizational and disciplinary aspects, such as adherence to time and schedule, compensation system, etc. A number of issues were raised at these stations to find appropriate solutions, such as doctoral projects, registration on the digital platform, supervision, student delegation, employment, transfers, employee promotions, adding laboratories, forums and grants, equipment, cleanliness and maintenance, internet speed, financial aspects, electronic fingerprint, and other points.
After the discussions, explanations and guidance provided, the University President thanked the administrative and pedagogical staff of professors, students, employees and workers, noting that all the points raised are important for the progress and success of the university, considering them joint efforts that serve all colleges and the university family.

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