Launch of field visits to the faculties of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued

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Launch of field visits to the faculties of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued

Today, October 18, 2022, at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, field visits to all faculties of the university were launched in order to directly follow up on the pedagogical issue and all matters related to the smooth running of the faculties and the university. This morning, Mr. University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his deputies for pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai and Foresight, Dr. Al-Aswad Abdel Halim, and Mr. Secretary-General of the University, Shawqi Madallal, accompanied by the Sub-Director of Users and the Sub-Director of Media, supervised the first visit to the Faculty of Technology, where the central administrative team met with the faculty management team headed by Mr. Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Shamsa Ali, and his deputies for studies and post-graduation, and the professors, heads of the faculty departments, and Mr. Secretary-General of the faculty.
 The meeting was opened by the University President with a word of thanks to the Dean, all the administrative staff, and the entire college family, including professors, students, employees, and workers. The Dean of the College and his administrative team then gave the floor to present detailed reports and explanations about the college’s situation, its needs, and the goals it wanted to achieve. After a lengthy discussion about the problems and solutions, the University President praised the cooperation of the college family and its scientific achievements, hoping to achieve more.
In the evening, field visits included the Faculty of Exact Sciences, where the administrative team of the faculty was headed by Professor Abdel Wahab Mansour and his deputies for pedagogy and post-graduation, the heads of departments, the Secretary General, and the heads of departments of the Faculty of Exact Sciences.
The University President opened the meeting by thanking the Dean, the entire administrative team, and the family of the College of Exact Sciences, including professors, students, employees, and workers, praising the achievements of the faculty’s and students in the scientific and research fields and the ranks achieved as a result of an integrated effort and continuous cooperation from everyone, and that the university’s success lies in the cooperation of all colleges because we are one family, focusing on encouraging research work and laboratory work. The Dean of the College then gave the floor, welcoming the visit and providing, with his administrative team, detailed explanations about the college’s situation, its needs, and the goals it aspires to achieve. At the end of the meeting, the University President thanked the entire family of the College of Exact Sciences, and that success is a joint effort and the achievement of the university’s scientific and research goals.

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