Launching of the activities of the international forum on the valuation of biological resources in the environment and health at Al Wadi University

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Launching of the activities of the international forum on the valuation of biological resources in the environment and health at Al Wadi University
Today, Wednesday, May 10, 2023, in the Grand Lecture Hall of Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, the Vice-Rector of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar-El Oued for Studies, Professor Bashir Manai, on behalf of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised the opening of the first international forum on the valuation of biological resources in the environment and health, organized by the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences under the supervision of the Director of the Forum, Dr. Qamouda Masouda, in the presence of the Vice-Rector of the University for Development and Foresight, Dr. Lasoud Abdel Halim, the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, Dr. Suleimani Nour El Din, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdelmalek Zaatar, the Deans of the Faculties, researchers and specialists. A delegation of professors and researchers from the University of Life Sciences “Poznan” in Poland and professors from the sisterly state of Tunisia participated.
In her speech, the director of the forum thanked all participants from inside and outside the country for making this scientific forum a success, which aims to bring together various actors in research and enrich the forum’s themes.
In his speech, the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdul Malik Zaatar, welcomed all attendees, the guests of the College, and the Polish delegation participating in the work of this forum, appreciating the importance of the topic of the international forum, hoping that everyone would benefit and that important recommendations would be made for the benefit of the university and scientific research.
The Vice-Rector for Studies welcomed, on his behalf and on behalf of the University Director, all attendees and guests of the University, appreciating the objectives of the forum and its themes aimed at valuing vital resources in the environment, health and human service, and announcing the launch of the work of the International Forum on Valuing Vital Resources in the Environment and Health, which will discuss several themes, the most important of which are:
First axis: Water treatment using plants
Axis II: Nanotechnology and biological effects
The third axis: Exploitation of natural resources
Axis IV: Biodiversity
Axis Five: Health and Nutrition



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