El Oued University honors its knights who won the National Scientific Week competition at the University of Setif 1

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El Oued University honors its knights who won the National Scientific Week competition at the University of Setif 1

The University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar-El Oued honored its group of knights who won the National Scientific Week competitions among universities, which was hosted by the University of Setif 1 from May 15 to 19, 2022.
The honoring ceremony, which was held in the central meeting hall, was attended by the Vice-President, Deans of Faculties, Director of the Institute of Islamic Sciences, Director of the School of Agriculture, Director of the University of Continuing Education, Directors of Laboratories, the administrative staff of the University Directorate, representatives of teachers’ and labor unions, and a number of guests.
The University President, Professor Omar Farhati, delivered a valuable speech in which he praised the achieved results, which were admired by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, all the ministerial and administrative staff present, as well as the university directors and participants in this competition. The President elaborated on the preparations for the competition, the preparation of the participants of the University of El Oued, and the various scheduled axes, noting the distinction achieved by our university, which recorded this dazzling victory in gold, which confirmed the scientific level reached by our university by reaching 28 patents, occupying the first university rank at the national level.
The winners of this national scientific event were honored, along with the members of the organizing committee and the media committee. 
In this national scientific event, Mokrani Omar Ibn Al-Khattab won first place nationally in the “Best Thesis in 180 Seconds” competition axis, and in the energy security axis, Attia Abdelmalek and Farhat Mohamed Fouad won first place nationally, and in the competition for the best national scientific club for students, Qaid Nadhir - Ibn Sina Club of El Oued University won first place nationally. The University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar was ranked 18th out of 106 participating universities.
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