Martyr Hama Lakhdar University participates in the national caravan “Shab Fikra” with distinguished exhibitions and a rich program.

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Martyr Hama Lakhdar University participates in the national caravan “Shab Fikra” with distinguished exhibitions and a rich program.

It landed The caravan Nationalism “young man an ideaYesterday, Saturday, June 24, 2023, she left in Al-Mughayir Province.
The aforementioned demonstration was organized by the MPI Algeria Foundation under the royal patronage of eight (8) ministries and under the supervision of the Governor of Al-Mughair State, Mr. “Issa Aissat,” in coordination with university martyr Hama Lakhdar And the National Union of Algerian People with Disabilities.
The governor of Al-Mughir state, who gave the official launch signal for the edition of Al-Mughir state, stressed his support for all initiatives aimed at youth formation.
For his part, the general supervisor of the convoy, Mr. Anis bin Tayeb, noted the importance of supporting and accompanying young people by creating the largest number of investment opportunities for young people.
For her part, the state coordinator of the convoy, Ms. Sabreen, praised the importance of supporting youth projects and entrepreneurs.
program The caravan Witnessed an honorable and distinguished representation of Luniversity martyr Hama Lakhdar Through clubs and representatives of the Sub-Directorate of Activities, students, teachers, and the Entrepreneurship House.
This comes in an effort to open up university martyr Hama Lakhdar On its external environment and with the aim of strengthening the partnership between what the country producesuniversity and economic development requirements.
The exhibition of the achievements of the DIRAC Science Club and the Imprint of Hope Club also witnessed visits by civil and military authorities and a remarkable turnout of visitors who received explanations and information.inA family of clubs about the displayed works of new innovations and patents.
It also includes a programme The caravan Many lectures and training workshops, perhaps the most important of which is a lecture by A. D “MinDr. Abdel-Lawi, Director of the Contracting House, entitled: “Entrepreneurship among People of Determination,” where the attendees responded to the intervention by asking many questions and emphasizing their urgent need for such youth activities.
The morning session was chaired by Dr. Muhammad Al-Saeed Farhat.
inThe evening period was distinguished by the presentation of many training workshops, perhaps the most prominent of which was the “Negotiation and Persuasion Skills” workshop, led by the head of the DIRAC Scientific Club, the student “Muhammad Jamal al-Din Tlili.”
The demonstration witnessed the honoring of the DIRAC Scientific Club by the governor of the state of Al-Mughair, and the supervising professors and members of the Imprint of Hope Club were honored by the MPI Algeria Foundation and the National Union of Algerian People with Disabilities.
It is worth noting that The caravan The activities of which were hosted by the Specialized Institute in professional formation martyrZaghad Muhammad Al-Mughair aims to discover and present innovative ideas to students and enable young people to enter the world of entrepreneurship.

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