B/K Participation in the 7th Youth Forum on Heritage in the Russian capital, Moscow

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Regarding participation in the 7th session of the Youth Forum on Heritage in the Russian capital, Moscow

The Directorate of University Cooperation and Exchange at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research received an invitation to participate in the 7th session of the Youth Forum on “Heritage”, which the Moscow City Government intends to organize on November 21-22, 2024, within the framework of developing bilateral relations between

Algeria and Russia in the field of arts. The organizers invited Algerian students, researchers and young professionals specialized in the field of architectural restoration to participate via videoconferencing.

This year's forum aims to engage student researchers specializing in this field from different foreign universities in order to discuss the correct architectural restoration methods and the importance of integrating restored landmarks into modern urban spaces and making them useful to city dwellers, and to open the field for interested student researchers.

By presenting their projects and research completed in this field, under the title “The Historical and Cultural Symbol of the City”

Students and researchers wishing to participate must register on the platform. https://www.univ-eloued.dz/HerMos_Russia

  This is until November 14, 2024 as the last deadline.

The participation form must be filled out correctly and sent to the following email: [email protected]

For more information and how to participate, please see the following link:    https://www.forumnasledie.ru/

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