Women's Day celebration at El Oued University

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Women's Day celebration at El Oued University

Within the framework of the celebration of Women’s Day, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, with the contribution of the Social Services Committee, today, March 6, 2024, organized a tribute ceremony in honor of the female component of the university family, including male and female professors and male and female employees, in the presence of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, the Deputy Directors, the Secretary General of the University, the deans of the colleges, and the Services Committee. Social.
The celebration took place in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, where the University Rector opened the ceremony in honor of Women’s Day with a congratulatory speech to the university family of male and female professors and students, and praised the role of women and the position they have come to occupy in the Algerian administration, and their contribution to raising generations that reinforce national values and traditions. Its social role is pivotal in developing society and contributing to production activities, work and the national economy.
The Director also wished all our daughters and sisters from the university family good health, good health, and more brilliance and prosperity.
The Chairman of the Social Services Committee and Dr. Fatima Al-Zahraa Qita also gave a speech on the occasion.
The ceremony included singing performances, and the Jusoor group presented a piece called “The Mother,” and a theatrical performance of Qaraqouz puppets by the student Ahmed Amin Bin Azza, followed by a theatrical performance by the Souf Theater Club entitled “Women and Palestine.”
On this occasion, some gifts and gratuities were distributed to the female employees. Happy New Year.

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