A group breakfast for state executives and guests of the University of El Oued with its students

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A group breakfast for state executives and guests of the University of El Oued with its students

The University Services Directorate in El Oued organized a group Iftar banquet today, March 13, 2024, at the Saudi Bashir residence in honor of the university guests, students from sister countries, and female students of the university. It was supervised by the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, and the Director of University Services, Professor Jamal Quraisha, in the presence of local and security authorities, the Vice President of the Wilaya People's Council, Fares Belbasi, the President of the El Oued District, the Wilaya's executives, and the artistic family, led by the great artist Abdullah Manai and Professor Abdel Rahman Ghazal, as well as the pedagogical and administrative executives of the university, university services, student organizations, and representatives of the media.
After the Iftar meal, the attendees, accompanied by the University President, exchanged conversations with the university’s guests from the Slovak delegation visiting the university as part of the academic exchange, the Russian language professor from the Russian Federation, and the male and female students in a special Ramadan atmosphere.
The media present at the group breakfast also recorded press statements made by the university director and the director of university services about the students’ accommodation conditions and the role of the university and university services in ensuring pedagogical and accommodation conditions, which are excellent, according to their statements and the students’ statements.

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