Meeting of the Scientific Council of the University of El Oued

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Meeting of the Scientific Council of the University of El Oued

Today, May 14, 2024, the Deputy Rector of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, in charge of scientific research, Professor Farhat Arhouma, supervised the meeting of the University’s Scientific Council in the meeting room of the central administration. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Rector of the University for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, and for External Relations, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, and professors who are members of the Scientific Council.
The Council’s agenda included:
– Proposal to upgrade the medical annex to a college.
– Research laboratory activities.
- Miscellaneous.
The Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Arhouma Farhat, opened the meeting, welcoming the council members to give an introductory presentation on the topics of the agenda, then giving the floor to the attendees for the discussion.
Where the attendees discussed the important points on the agenda with the members of the Scientific Council and related miscellaneous issues, where the topics were discussed with enrichment and suggestions by the attendees at the meeting.

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