Evaluation meeting for the research laboratory activity at Wadi University

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Evaluation meeting for the research laboratory activity at Wadi University

Within the framework of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development at the Ministry’s follow-up of scientific research activities.
Today, February 5, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the Director of the Thematic Agency for Research in Science and Technology, Professor Kadri Mostafawi Samia, and her companion, the engineer in charge of monitoring the researcher’s platform, and the Director of Evaluation and Analysis at the General Directorate of Scientific Research, Professor Khatima Ait Oudi, and her companion, the Head of the Office for Periodic Evaluation of Research Activity, held an evaluation meeting in the meeting room of the Central Administration for Monitoring Research Activity in the Laboratories of the Faculties of Exact Sciences and Technology.
The meeting was attended by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Professor Rahoma Farhat, and for External Relations, Dr. Farhat Fouad, the Deans of the Faculties of Exact Sciences and Technology, their Vice-Rectors for Scientific Research, the Director of the Renewable Energy Development Research Unit, and the heads of the laboratories of the Faculties of Exact Sciences and Technology.
The University President opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees to this purposeful meeting, thanking the efforts made by the Ministry of Higher Education, the General Directorate of Scientific Research, and the Thematic Research Agency, and that the evaluation and analysis process contributes to upgrading and improving the research and scientific aspect of the university.
In her speech, Professor Qadri Mostafawi thanked the University President and the university family for developing and improving the quality of the university’s scientific research, pointing out the meeting’s agenda, which included accompanying and following up on research activity in laboratories, research centers and projects, and the researcher’s platform, including recordings and others.
Yesterday, she visited, along with the accompanying delegation, the laboratories of the Faculties of Exact Sciences and Technology with the Vice President of the University for Scientific Research, where she inspected the laboratory equipment and met with professors and doctoral students. During her visit, she held a working session with the laboratory directors and researchers, including professors and students, in which she presented everything related to doctoral training. The university’s Artificial Intelligence House was also presented by its director, Dr. Laouid Abdelkader.
The floor was opened for discussion for the attendees to give them the opportunity to answer various points and concerns that resulted in several recommendations and suggestions that will be submitted to the relevant ministry.

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