Evaluation meeting and readiness of Al Wadi University for the academic year 2024/2025

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    Evaluation meeting and readiness of Al Wadi University for the academic year 2024/2025


 Today, Sunday, September 15, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, chaired an evaluation meeting on all the preparations for the 2024/2025 university entrance, accompanied by his deputies for pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, for scientific research and training, Professor Farhat Rahouma, for development and foresight, Professor Amar Zaabi, the Director of University Services, Mr. Jamal Quraisha, the Director of the Continuing Education Center, Dr. Amar Mustafawi, the Deans of Faculties, the Director of the Medical Annex, the representative of the Secretary-General, the Vice Deans of Studies, the Director of the House of Artificial Intelligence, the Heads of Departments, the Coordinator of the English Language Promotion Committee at the University, the Secretaries-General of the Faculties, the Sub-Directors of the Administration at the Central Administration, and the Head of the Systems and Networks Service. The University Director reviewed all the preparations and the progress of the university entrance in a detailed presentation according to the agenda through: 1 - The start of the first semester lessons (presentations by the Vice-Director of the University for Higher Education in the first and second levels and the Deans of Faculties) 2 - Preparation for the doctorate (presentation by the Vice-Director of the University for Higher Education in the first and second levels and the Deans of Faculties) 3 - Preparation for the doctorate (presentation by the Vice-Director of the University for Higher Education in the first and second levels and the Deans of Faculties) 4 - Preparation for the doctorate (presentation by the Vice-Director of the University for Higher Education in the first and second levels and the Deans of Faculties) 5 - Preparation for the doctorate (presentation by the Vice-Director of the University for Higher Education in the first and second levels and the Deans of Faculties) 6 - Preparation for the doctorate (presentation by the Vice-Director of the University for Higher Education in the first and second levels and the Deans of Faculties) 7 - Preparation for the doctorate (presentation by the Vice- University Director for Doctoral Training) 3- Preparation for entry into university services (presentation by the Director of University Services) 4- Presentation by the Vice-Rector for Development and Foresight on projects and structures. 5- Presentation by the Vice-Rector for External Relations on internships and scientific activities. 6- Presentation on the generalization of the use of the English language by the coordinator, Mr. Tariq Samari. 7- Presentation on the preparation for the launch of the season by the Secretary-General of the University and the Secretaries-General of the Faculties. 8- Presentations on digitization and the activity of the House of Artificial Intelligence (A. Laouid Abdelkader) 9- Miscellaneous In the evaluation meeting, the Director and the university staff reviewed all the details of the preparations in each faculty in terms of the timetables that were fully distributed in all faculties and to all professors, even for newly hired professors who in turn undergo intensive training and high pedagogical support. The University Director and the university staff gave a good and distinctive impression of the organization process and the integrated pedagogical supervision and the respectable hourly volume for all professors and the university's readiness with all its structures to receive students on September 24, 2024 in special conditions. The deans also confirmed the colleges' full readiness to receive students and start classes at all levels, as the University of El Oued received 6,053 new students directed to all specializations. The Vice-Directors of the University, the Director of the Medical Annex and the Coordinator of the English Language Promotion Committee, Dr. Shaimaa Manaei, also gave detailed presentations on the various projects and programs that they have begun implementing and the achievements made. The University Director stressed all the preparations related to a successful and distinguished university entrance. At the end of the meeting, the University Director thanked all the attendees, stakeholders, deans and the entire university family who work as one team, keen on preparing a good reception for our students and a distinguished university entrance, as we have always been accustomed to at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued.








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