Coordination meeting for the English Language Trainers Training Forum at El Oued University

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Coordination meeting for the English Language Trainers Training Forum at El Oued University

Following the recommendations of the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, and the instructions of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawqi Madallal, held a coordination meeting today, Wednesday, January 24, 2024, with the Vice-Director of the University in charge of Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, regarding the University of El Oued hosting the process of training trainers in the English language.
In the presence of the General Secretaries of the Colleges
The Secretary General discussed the logistical preparation schedule for the training forum and the recommendations of the University President on its importance and the efforts of the Higher Education and Scientific Research Sector to train trainers in the English language for the benefit of professors and researchers in the field of science, technology and specialists in chemistry, physics and mathematics. The Vice President of the University for Pedagogy also presented in his speech that this process is supervised by specialized professors from various university institutions during the period from February 3 to February 8, 2024.
The University of El Oued hosts professors from eight university institutions, namely El Oued, Adrar, Illizi, Tamanrasset, Ouargla, M'Sila, Biskra, and Ghardaia.
The Secretary General and the Secretaries General of the colleges reviewed all the necessary procedures and measures to ensure the proper handling of the events of hosting this important training session at the University of El Oued.

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