Conclusion of the activities of the National Forum on Algerian journalism and journalists during the colonial era

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Conclusion of the activities of the National Forum on Algerian journalism and journalists during the colonial era
Today, May 7, 2024, at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, the activities of the National Forum on the Algerian press and journalists during the colonial era were concluded, the sessions of which began yesterday, Monday, May 6, in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abul Kacem Saadallah, in the presence of the Minister of Communication, Professor Mohamed Laqab, and his accompanying delegation from Qamat. Historical and informational.
The closing session was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Ammar Gharaisa, accompanied by the Head of the History Department, Professor Allal Ben Omar, the Director of the Laboratory for Research on the Economic and Social History of Algeria, Professor Muhammad Al-Saeed Aqib, the Director of the Forum, Professor Lazhar Badida, the Forum’s guests, and the College’s professors and administrators.
Professor Muhammad Al-Saeed Aqib read out the recommendations of the forum on behalf of Professor Fatima Al-Zahraa Qashi, where he thanked the Minister of Communication, Professor Muhammad Laqab, for his sponsorship of the forum and his honor by attending the opening of the forum, and thanked the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, for his continuous support and constant keenness to advance the university in knowledge, science, and research. Among the most important recommendations was upgrading the forum to an international forum, as well as printing the forum’s work in a special book and allocating research projects related to the study of the national press and its most important media during the colonial era. The director of the forum, Professor Lazhar Badida, also came forward, expressing his thanks to all the contributors to the success of the forum’s activities, noting the scientific and intellectual value of the guests. Participants in it. As for the Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Professor Muhammad Abdel Raouf Thamer, he provided a general overview of the most important scientific contributions in the sessions and workshops held during the two days of the forum, thanking the efforts of the Scientific Committee in reviewing and selecting the most important participating research papers.
In the speech of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Professor Allal bin Omar, he noted the active role of all members of the committee in managing all stages of preparation for the forum until the last moment, expressing his gratitude to all the actors. In his closing speech, the Dean, Dr. Ammar Gharaysa, offered his sincere thanks to all those in charge of this forum, starting with Mr. Minister of Communication, Professor Mohamed Laqab, and Mr. University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, and to the entire forum team, members of the Scientific and Organizational Committee, and distinguished guests, stressing the keenness of the university and the College of Social and Human Sciences to activate the scientific and cognitive scene and provide everything that is useful to students in their university path.

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