Conclusion of the 22nd International Forum on the Development of Border Regions at the University of El Oued

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Conclusion of the 22nd International Forum on the Development of Border Regions at the University of El Oued

The activities of the 22nd International Forum on the Development of Border Regions were concluded today, Monday, April 29, 2024, in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The activities of the second day were divided between scientific workshops through which the participating professors presented their various scientific interventions, as well as a very fruitful technical workshop in the presence of the mayors of the three border municipalities. The Arab Student Bin Qasha and Water Circle, under the supervision of the Head of the Department and also in the presence of representatives of the executive directorates related to the subject of development.
The speech was addressed at the closing ceremony by the Chairman of the Recommendations Committee, Dr. Saeed Moghadam, thanking the Rector of the University, Professor Omar Farhani, the Chairman of the Forum, Dr. Abdel Hamid Faraj, and both the Deans of the Faculties of Law, Political Science, and Social and Human Sciences, and the University Family, who in turn presented the recommendations of the Forum, which mainly focused on: On development priorities in the border areas, especially upgrading the border crossing into a commercial center, as well as establishing a free trade zone, opening a border crossing at the water roundabout, and increasing housing projects to stabilize the population, in addition to protecting livestock, as well as encouraging investment in the tourism and agricultural sectors. The speech was also addressed by the head of the Arab Student Department and the dean. The College of Law and Political Sciences and the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, who represented the organizing bodies of the forum. On behalf of the university president, he announced the official conclusion of the forum’s activities.

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