English language training forum workshops on their third day at El Oued University

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English language training forum workshops on their third day at El Oued University

Today, February 6, 2024, the regional training session for training trainers to enhance the use of the English language for universities in the south continued at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar. Part of the workshops were attended by the head of the local committee for the promotion of the English language, the university’s vice-president, Professor Bashir Mana’i, its coordinator, Dr. Nasr Dahda, the university’s media officer, and the head of the graduates’ office, where they followed the details of the workshops’ work in their practical aspect, training trainers in the use of the English language in the field of technical and scientific sciences, and standing on the exchange of information and experiences between professors and raising and addressing problems. The training session includes 120 professors trained by 8 professors-trainers distributed over four workshops, which witnessed interaction between professors-trainers and trainees on teaching methods and the field of learning in the English language.

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