The Secretary-General of Al Wadi University holds a coordination meeting with the Secretaries-General of the colleges and follows up on the progress of the employees’ file and the regulation of their tasks

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    The Secretary-General of Al Wadi University holds a coordination meeting with the Secretaries-General of the colleges and follows up on the progress of the employees’ file and controls their tasks


 Today, Wednesday, September 25, a coordination meeting was held, headed by the Secretary-General of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Dr. Shawqi Madallal, with the Secretaries-General of the faculties. A number of important issues were discussed. The meeting focused on following up on the progress of the employees’ file and controlling their tasks, to ensure the achievement of the university’s academic and administrative goals. 

Views were also exchanged on ways to improve performance and develop services provided to students, which contributes to enhancing the educational environment at the university.

The meeting included several main points:

    - Review the overall performance of employees and focus on the importance of setting clear goals for each college.

    - Emphasizing the need to control tasks and distribute them effectively to ensure smooth workflow, while accurately defining responsibilities. 

    - Facilitating workflow and improving communication between colleges and administration.

The meeting concluded with the Secretary-General stressing the importance of continuous cooperation between the colleges and the administration, and enhancing the team spirit to achieve the vision and mission of Wadi University.






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والي ولاية الوادي يفتتح ورشة وطنية حول شعبة بذور البطاطا “الوضع الحالي، التحديات والحلول المبتكرة”بجامعة الوادي

  والي ولاية الوادي يفتتح ورشة وطنية حول شعبة بذور البطاطا “الوضع الحالي، التحديات والحلول المبتكرة”بجامعة الوادي اشرف اليوم الأربعاء 19 فيفري 2025 السيد والي ولاية الوادي “العربي بهلول” على افتتاح فعاليات الورشة الوطنية حول شعبة بذور البطاطا بالوادي، الوضع الحالي، التحديات والحلول المنظمة من طرف المدرسة العليا للفلاحة الصحراوية وجامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر ممثلة في كلية علوم الطبيعة والحياة وبالتعاون مع الغرفة الفلاحية ومديرية المصالح الفلاحية بالولاية ومجموعة التفكير فلاحة ابتكار، بحضور السيد رئيس المجلس الشعبي الولائي عز الدين حساني والسيد مدير جامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر البروفيسور عمر فرحاتي ومدير المدرسة العليا للفلاحة الصحراوية البروفيسور الحبيب قده والسلطات المحلية