The National Federation for Higher Education and Scientific Research, El Oued University, concludes major sports competitions on Labor Day

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The National Federation for Higher Education and Scientific Research, El Oued University, concludes major sports competitions on Labor Day

The National Federation for Higher Education and Scientific Research, El Oued University, concludes major sports competitions on Labor Day
Today, April 29, 2024, the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawki Mudallal, accompanied by the State Secretary of the General Union of Algerian Workers, Mr. Hamida Debili, supervised the conclusion of the major sporting competitions on the occasion of Labor Day, May 1 of each year, “under the slogan: Science is a message, and Algeria is a trust,” organized by the National Federation for Higher Education and Scientific Research. El Oued University branch, in coordination with the central administration and the Social Services Committee.
The competition consisted of a running race for (male) professors, employees, and workers, and a walking race for (females), professors, employees, and workers in the campus space.
In an atmosphere of sportsmanship and interaction, you get first place in the male race:
1-Yassin Shakima.
2-Yacoub Amari.
3-Younis bin Hussein.
As for the female race:
1-Ibrahim Khaira.
2- Friday prayers.
3- Prebish Ahlam.

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