The University Rector holds a meeting to form committees to follow up on catering operations at the university residence level

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The University Rector holds a meeting to form committees to follow up on catering operations at the university residence level

Today, March 6, 2024, the Rector of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, held a coordination meeting in the meeting room of the central administration, in the presence of his deputy for pedagogy, Professor Manai Al-Bashir, the director of university services, Mr. Jamal Quraisha, the head of monitoring and coordination in the directorate, directors of university residences, the official of the university’s network center, and the engineer supervising the digitization of food in the directorate. Services.
The meeting was opened by the University Rector, noting the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the great importance of this meeting devoted to several points, namely the necessity of harnessing the management personnel of the integrated information system, Progress, and the necessity of forming a joint committee responsible for field follow-up of catering operations at the level of university residences and following up on the quality of iftar services provided for the month of Ramadan. Blessed.
The Vice Chancellor of the University for Pedagogy provided explanations of what was stated in the Ministry’s correspondence in this regard, stressing the implementation of its content.
The Director opened the door to dialogue for the attendees from the frameworks of the Directorate of University Services to study, follow up and stand on the process while taking all measures.

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