The Minister of Communication inaugurates at the University of El Oued the National Forum on Algerian journalism and journalists during the colonial era

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The Minister of Communication inaugurates at the University of El Oued the National Forum on Algerian journalism and journalists during the colonial era

Today, Monday, May 6, 2024, the Minister of Communication, Professor Mohamed Laqab, supervised the opening of the national forum entitled “Algerian Journalism and Journalists during the Colonial Era 1830-1962,” headed by the Rector of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, and the director of the forum, Professor Lazhar Badida, organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences. Humanities and the laboratory for researching the economic and social history of Algeria at the University of El Oued, in cooperation with the Ministry of Communication, coinciding with the World Day for Freedom of Expression and the Press, in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Governor of the state, “Al-Saeed Akhrouf”, Mr. President of the State People’s Assembly, the security and civil authorities, the revolutionary family, members of the National People’s Assembly, Mr. Rector of the University, the elected officials, the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, the Director of University Services, the Deputy Rectors of the University, the Secretary-General of the University, the university family, and a group of historians and media professionals. Prominent people, students and the media family.
In his opening speech, the Minister welcomed the attendees, thanking the contributors to this forum, and particularly mentioning MADAR and the International Press Centre. He also referred to the idea of the forum, which aims to shed light on the efforts and sacrifices of Algerian journalists during the colonial era, highlight the press and journalists during various historical stages, and prepare an encyclopedia of their own and the contribution of this. The elite before the occupation, and with their presence, the culture of the Algerian nation was sophisticated before the occupation, pointing out that the press and journalists are one of the factors of victory, and that the first attempt to emerge the Algerian press was “Al-Haqq newspaper.” The Minister touched on the emergence of the Arab and Islamic dimension of the Algerian press during the period 1830-1962, an example of this being the weekly Kawkab. Africa 1914 as the first newspaper in the Arabic language. He hoped that the forum would come out with recommendations to be attached to the Ministry so that it would undertake to publish them in books. He also mentioned honoring Messrs. Al-Arabi Zubairy, Ammar Talebi, and Ashour Sharafi in gratitude for their efforts. The Governor also welcomed the attendees, thanking the Minister of Communication, Professor Mohamed Laqab, for his kind attention and keenness. For hosting the University of El Oued, the forum of great importance in the history of Algeria. The Rector of the University, Professor Omar Farhati, also thanked the Minister of Communication for his contribution and the Ministry’s sponsorship of the forum’s activities. He also thanked the Governor, the President of the State People’s Assembly, and all the authorities and state institutions for always accompanying the university. He also saluted the Rector. Dear participants, from the eminences of knowledge in the field of media and history, for their scientific and research participation, mentioning that through these activities we seek to raise the nation to the highest ranks under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, reiterating his thanks to all participants in this distinguished scientific event.
The Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Gharaysa, also expressed his happiness for the College to host this important forum, extending his sincerest thanks to the Minister for his adoption and sponsorship of the forum.
The director of the forum, Professor Lazhar Badida, also presented an introduction to the forum, which addresses the issue of media and journalism in Algeria from its various angles, explaining its topics, goals, and the number of participants.
The opening intervention was presented by the historian Muhammad Al-Arabi Al-Zubairi, entitled “The Old Journalists’ Confrontation with Colonial Maneuvers.” The work continued after that by programming several interventions from distinguished figures distributed between the scientific sessions in workshops and interventions that will continue until tomorrow.
During the opening activities, Historian Muhammad Al-Arabi Al-Zubairi, Professor Ammar Talebi, and Professor Ashour Sharafi were honored by the Minister of Communication, and the University of El Oued also honored the Minister of Communication, Professor Muhammad Laqab.

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