Student Ayman Qasim is distinguished as the owner of a project idea

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Student Ayman Qasim is distinguished as the owner of a project idea

On Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 14:00 pm, at the Mercure Hotel in Algiers, student Ayman Kassem, registered in the second year of the Master’s degree in the Department of Media and Communication, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and registered in the University Business Incubator at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued, as the owner of an idea for a startup project, participated in the activities The official launch of the third edition of the National Caravan is a young man’s idea, which is a community initiative in cooperation with various economic actors and under the auspices of several government ministries, working to promote the entrepreneurial culture among Algerian youth, and enabling them to establish small and emerging enterprises with new economic ideas. This comes after receiving an official invitation from Mr. Anis. Bin Al-Tayeb, general supervisor of the convoy.
He had a two-minute intervention to explain the idea of his project, which is an application for smart phones. The idea of the project won the admiration of the attendees. He also had a meeting with one of the actors in the field of application activity, and he promised to fund the project as soon as the procedures for registering it on the STARTUP DZ platform were completed, as it was. He has an intervention on the Sixth National Youth Channel, which will be broadcast along with the intervention of student Ayman Qassem on the incubator channel on the YouTube platform.
Moving forward, Ayman, you are an example of a persistent and challenging student. You have all our support and accompaniment until you establish your institution.

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