Resolution No.: 255 dated: February 5, 2024, which specifies the selection criteria for admission to the Short-Term Mobility Program Abroad (Improving Level Abroad)

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Resolution No.: 255 dated: February 5, 2024, which specifies the selection criteria for admission to the Short-Term Mobility Program Abroad (Improving Level Abroad)

Resolution No. 255 of February 25, 2024 setting the selection criteria for admission to the Short-Term Mobility Program Abroad

A high-level short-term academic residency assessment scale for university institutions and schools

A high-level short-term academic residency assessment scale for university institutions and schools

The assessment scale for short-term internships abroad is for permanent researchers

The assessment scale for short-term internships abroad is for permanent researchers

A scale for evaluating scientific demonstrations and short-term scientific residency at a high level, especially for permanent researchers

A scale for evaluating scientific demonstrations and short-term scientific residency at a high level, especially for permanent researchers

An evaluation scale for training to improve the level abroad, specific to university institutions and schools

An evaluation scale for training to improve the level abroad, specific to university institutions and schools

An assessment scale for technical users to support research

An assessment scale for technical users to support research

An evaluation scale for administrative users in research centers

An evaluation scale for administrative users in research centers

An assessment scale for participation in international scientific events for university institutions and schools

An evaluation scale intended for the category of administrative and technical employees in university institutions and schools

An evaluation scale intended for the category of administrative and technical employees in university institutions and schools

An evaluation scale intended for the category of administrative and technical employees in university institutions and schools

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