4th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems (EDiS'2024)

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4th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems (EDiS'2024)

The Laboratory of Parallel Architectures, Embedded and High-Performance Computing (LAPECI) at the University of Oran 1, in collaboration with Tahri Mohamed University of Bechar, is pleased to announce the organization of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems (EDiS'2024). The conference will be held on November 3-5, 2024, at the Mohamed Tahri University of Bechar. 

This year, EDiS'2024 is proud to be jointly organized with the Smart Farming Day, a special event dedicated to exploring the latest advancements in technology for the agriculture sector. This joint event brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners to explore the exciting intersection of embedded systems, distributed computing, and smart farming technologies.

 EDiS'2024 brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners from around the world to explore the latest advancements in a variety of cutting-edge fields, including:

  • Embedded and Real-time systems: Design, analysis, and optimization of systems with strict performance and resource constraints.

  • Parallel and Distributed Computing: Efficient utilization of multiple processors and distributed resources for complex problems.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) in precision agriculture: Leveraging interconnected sensors and devices to optimize agricultural practices and resource utilization.

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Development and application of intelligent algorithms for various tasks in diverse domains.

  • Advanced Architectures and Network on Chip (NoC): Design and implementation of efficient on-chip communication architectures.

  • Multi-Objective Optimization using Metaheuristics: Efficient search algorithms for finding solutions that optimize multiple competing objectives.

  • Model Driven Engineering (MDE): Utilizing models to automate various aspects of software development.

  • Communication Networks, Protocols and Security: Design, analysis, and improvement of secure and reliable communication infrastructure.

  • Automotive Systems: Advances in technology and methodologies for the development of intelligent and connected vehicles.

  • New Trends in Information and Computing Technology: Exploring emerging trends and potential future directions in computing and information technology.

  • Smart farming: Utilizing technology to improve decision-making and resource management in agricultural production.

The conference will be in hybrid mode (in person and virtual). 

We invite you to submit your research, attend the conference, and join us in shaping the future of technology. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

Papers must not exceed 6 pages in double column 10pt format. Templates for LaTeX can be found here: https://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html

To submit a paper, please visit EasyChair conference page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=edis2024 

EDiS'2024 conference is registered as an IEEE sponsored conference under the number 63605. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the IEEEXplore digital Library.

The conference website: https://univ-oran1.dz/edis24/

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