El Oued University City to the next round

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El Oued University City to the next round

As part of the University Cup qualifiers in mini-football. The University City of Oued team qualified at the expense of the University City of Laghouat by 5/1
The interview took place in the Al-Jawari Mediatek stadium in the presence of the sub-director of activities at the university, Bashir Zidane, who pointed out the necessity of concerted efforts for the advancement and development of university sports at the national and international levels in order to transform the university athlete from a practicing athlete to an elite athlete, and this is the actual endeavor of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. .
The audience enjoyed the high-quality artistry of both parties.
The interview ended in a high spirit of sportsmanship between the two teams.
A thousand congratulations to the University City of Oued and good luck to the University City of Laghouat.


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