The University of the El Oued ranked first in the National Competition for Future Lawyers in its second edition at the University of El Oued

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The University of the El Oued ranked first in the National Competition for Future Lawyers in its second edition at the University of El Oued

Today, Wednesday, March 6, 2024, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar hosted the activities of the second edition of the National Future Lawyers Competition, entitled Virtual Trial “On Confronting and Combating the Spread of Cybercrimes in the University Community,” which is supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The activities of this activity were supervised by the Governor of El Oued State. The delegation accompanying him includes the civil, security and military authorities and the revolutionary family, accompanied by the El Oued Judicial Council.
The Director of the University of the El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, opened the competition, welcoming the attendees and thanking the local, civil and judicial authorities, headed by the Governor of the state, for the continuous support and their distinguished presence in this national competition. He also stressed the need to raise the challenge and achieve lasting success for our medicine, support state institutions, and serve our dear homeland and its leadership, headed by the President of the Republic, Abdul Majeed Tebboune, expressing his happiness with the distinguished event and the support provided by the National Gendarmerie Command, extended his greetings and special thanks to the People’s National Army, descendant of the Liberation Army, noting the University of El Oued interest in all talents in their various fields. The University Director also wished success and success to the organizers of the competition and the competitors.
In his speech, the general supervisor of the competition, Dr. Al-Azhar Labidi, touched on the objectives of the competition, the conditions for good preparation for it, and the selection mechanisms, as 27 universities and 110 candidates participated in the competition, of whom 6 qualified for the final round.
Then, the phases of the trial began with the presentation of a video clip of the incidents of the crime, and then the pleadings continued for the nominated students from various universities in the country, where they participated under the supervision of the arbitration committee consisting of Messrs. Dr. Othman Howaidhq as president, Prof. Dr. Ben Fardiq Mohamed, University of Ouargla, Dr. Bahloul Somaya, University of Setif, Dr. Muhammad Lamin competed at the University of El Oued, and the results resulted in the student Faruru Zahra from the University of El Oued winning first place.
The student Ali Ahlam from the University of Ghardaia came in second place, while the third place went to the student Abdel Rahman Rachida from the University of Ouargla. The fourth place went to the student Khiari Omaima from the University of Tebessa, and the fifth place went to the student Maden Fatiha Souad from the Directorate of University Services in Oran. As for the sixth place, the student Siham Boughfala from the University of Laghouat.
The competition will conclude by honoring the winning students and those who contributed to its success, especially the National Gendarmerie Group in the El Oued and the leadership of the Regional Group of the National Gendarmerie in the El Oued.

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