On the occasion of Women’s Day, El Oued University employees hold an exhibition of traditional foods in the region

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On the occasion of Women’s Day, El Oued University employees hold an exhibition of traditional foods in the region

Today, March 5, 2023, the General Secretariat of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, in coordination with the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, organized an exhibition of traditional foods and sweets on the first floor of the Central Library, presented by university employees.
The exhibition was opened by the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the University Secretary General, Dr. Shawqi Madallal, the Vice-Directors, the Deans of the Faculties, the University’s executives, the female employees participating in the exhibition, and a group of the University’s family.
The exhibition, which was supervised and hosted by the creatives Jeroni Abdel Wahab and Mokhtar Sharit, was an opportunity for the university’s female employees to be creative in preparing traditional dishes of various foods and sweets from the region’s heritage.
In conclusion, the University President and the Secretary General honored the participants in the exhibition, which included creative performances and various chanting performances.

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