Signing a twinning agreement between the University of the El Oued and the University of Sirte in Libya

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Signing of a twinning agreement between El Oued University and the University of Sirte, Libya.

Today, June 10, 2024, in the meeting room of the central administration, a cooperation and twinning agreement was concluded between the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar in El Oued, represented by its president, the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, and the Libyan University of Sirte, represented by its president, Dr. Suleiman Al-Shater, with Professor Salah Jabara, head of the Center for Community Service and Development at the same university.
The Director of the University of the El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, signed the agreement protocol with the University of Sirte, Libya, in the presence of the Deputy Directors of the University for External Relations, Pedagogy and Scientific Research, the Secretary-General of the University, the Director of the House of Artificial Intelligence, and the Director of University Services.
The directors of the two universities exchanged discussions and ways of cooperation and student and scientific exchanges between the two parties.
Representatives of the University of Sirte expressed their happiness with the good initiative that strengthens research and knowledge relations, thanking the University Director and the university family for their cooperation and response in order to link scientific and research relations between the two universities that serve the interests and policies of the two countries.
This agreement comes in preparation for the Algerian-Tunisian-Libyan attendance meeting within the framework of 5+5, during which the accession of five Libyan universities was discussed.
The Libyan delegation, accompanied by the University’s Vice Chancellor in charge of External Relations, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, and the deans of the colleges, visited the College of Natural and Life Sciences and the College of Social and Human Sciences.
The delegation also attended the discussion of the Master of History graduation thesis entitled “The Role of Rodolfo Graziani in the Fascist Reoccupation of Libya 1922/1934.” They also visited the audio-visual center at the college and the research laboratories at the College of Natural and Life Sciences, accompanied by the university’s director of the House of Artificial Intelligence.

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