University of El Oued commemorates the 64th anniversary of the French nuclear bombings in Algeria

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University of El Oued commemorates the 64th anniversary of the French nuclear bombings in Algeria

Today, February 14, 2024, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, represented by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, in coordination with the Department of History, commemorated the 64th anniversary of the French nuclear explosions in Algeria.
The Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Ghraissa, opened his speech by welcoming, on behalf of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, the Director of the Mujahideen in the Wilaya of El Oued, Professor Fawzi Masmoudi, and the attendees from the College’s cadres and the university family, recalling the atrocities of French colonialism against Algeria and its people, and the Reggane nuclear explosions on February 13, 1960 are just further evidence of these brutal crimes.
Professor Fawzi Masmoudi will give a lecture on the French nuclear explosions in the Algerian desert, recalling that it was a crime of genocide against the population and all aspects of life in the Algerian desert, and on the historical context of these experiments and explosions and their disastrous consequences on the inhabitants of the region and its environment, the damage of which continues to this day. He will stress the need to retrieve the Algerian archives on the nuclear explosions in Algeria.
The Head of the History Department, Professor Alal Ben Omar, presented the academic biography of Professor Fawzi Masmoudi, noting his most prominent works on national memory and the history of the glorious Algerian Revolution.
The symposium witnessed a response and interaction between the students, which was represented in their questions and inquiries about the crimes of the French nuclear explosions in Algeria.

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