El Oued University hosts the National University Monologue Festival under the slogan “Palestine in the Heart of the Student”

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El Oued University hosts the National University Monologue Festival under the slogan “Palestine in the Heart of the Student”

Today, February 20, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, gave the signal to start the ninth edition of the National University Monologue Festival, which is organized by the Directorate of University Services in coordination with the Association of Cultural Radiance for Creative Youth. This theatrical event was attended by the General Inspector of the Wilaya of El Oued, the Deputy of the Wilaya People's Council, the Director of the House of Culture of the Wilaya of El Oued, the Director of University Services, the Secretary General of the University, university executives, guests of honor from Tunisia, professors, artists, theater specialists, and a large gathering of students and those interested in theatrical art. The festival includes seven participants in the competition in addition to the work of the Directorate of University Services in El Oued, an honorary performance for the State of Tunisia, and a performance for the State of Palestine.
In his opening speech, the University Director welcomed the attendees, expressing his happiness with this distinguished activity under the slogan “Palestine in the Heart of the Student” and the depth of the Palestinian cause in the heart of every Algerian, appreciating the efforts of the Director of Services, his staff and the activists in the activity, referring to the festival and its role in activating the talents of the student and the scientific and cultural goals of the Algerian University in establishing great values in loving the homeland and pride in belonging to the nation and building bridges of communication and acquaintance between the sons of one homeland, and fortifying the elements of national identity in a way that preserves the ideas of young people, as it gives an opportunity for artistic creativity in the university environment and planting the spirit of brotherhood and love among students, as it contributes to discovering and refining talents among students, and the birth of new interests for them, especially the art of theater, wishing success and success for the activity in its ninth edition.
The Inspector General of the Wilaya of El Oued gave a speech of thanks to the University Director and all the participants in the event, pointing out its noble goals. The Director of University Services also welcomed the attendees, pointing out the slogan of the edition “Palestine in the Heart of the Student” coinciding with the events of the Palestinian cause, wishing success for this edition. The Festival Governor, Mr. Al-Mawladi Shushani, referred in his speech to the introduction of the festival and the process of selecting the shows and everything related to the festival, which includes several workshops in acting and theatrical directing, theatrical writing, scenography and several distinguished shows.

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