Al Wadi University hosts an information day on the 2024 Finance Law

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Al Wadi University hosts an information day on the 2024 Finance Law

Today, Tuesday, January 30, 2024, the University of Martyr Hamma Lakhdar hosted an information day on the 2024 Finance Law, organized by the Wilaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Souf. This meeting was opened by the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, who welcomed the attendees and praised such initiatives and welcomed all institutions and sectors that organize such events that would benefit the various sectors of the Wilaya. Then, the Secretary-General of the Chamber came forward, welcoming the attendees and explaining the objectives of this information day, followed by the President of the Chamber, who took the floor to express his thanks to the attendees and wishing them to benefit from this important study day, followed by a speech by the Inspector General of the Wilaya on behalf of the Governor of the Wilaya, where he praised such meetings and expressed his thanks to the organizers, announcing on behalf of the Governor of the Wilaya the opening of the work of this important information day.
Then, the floor was opened for the scientific session chaired by Dr. Saleh Hamidato from the Faculty of Economics, with the participation of Mr. Taliya Najib, Inspector of the State Property Department, and Mr. Boudbia Mohamed Youssef, Inspector Dean of the Customs Department Inspectorate.
The activity concluded with honoring the university director and the lecturers.



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