El Oued University celebrates Student’s Day under the slogan “Answering the Call and the Construction Process”

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El Oued University celebrates Student’s Day under the slogan “Answering the Call and the Construction Process”

Today, May 19, 2024, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar celebrated the 68th anniversary of Student’s Day under the supervision of the Governor of the Said Oued State, Akhrouf, and the President of the State People’s Assembly, and in the presence of the members of the Security Committee, the Revolutionary Family, the Vice Chancellors of the University, the Director of University Services, the deans of the colleges, the Secretary General of the University, and the President of the Oued Department. Parliament representatives, executive directors, representatives of student organizations and civil society activists, our students from various colleges, the university family, and the media community.
The celebration began in front of the memorial memorial, where the national flag was raised, the national anthem was played, and the opening of the book was read, out of mercy for the souls of our righteous martyrs. After that, exhibitions were visited that included various research projects for students.
In the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, and in coordination with the Sub-Directorate of Activities, On behalf of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farahati, his Deputy for Scientific Research, Professor Arhouma Farahat, opened the Student’s Day activities with a welcoming speech to the attendees, in which he praised the march of yesterday’s students who left their studies to join the glorious Liberation Revolution, calling on the students to work hard and persevere in science and knowledge, and that the message of the martyrs be an everlasting message. A road map for our students. On this occasion, he saluted students around the world for their stand against the enemy and their support for the Palestinian cause, thanking all those who contributed to the celebration.
For his part, the State Secretary General of the Mujahideen Organization, Mujahid Bashir Ebadi, on behalf of the revolutionary family, stressed the importance of meeting today’s generation with the generation of liberation and commemorating the great occasion because it is a symbol of our eternal revolution, calling on the students to return to the history of their country, pointing to the role played by yesterday’s student with his sacrifices. With letters of light and his loyalty to the homeland by joining the revolution, leaving school and joining armed action.
On the occasion, Professor Dr. Jamal Zwari also presented a historical intervention in which he touched on the historical event of Student Day and its symbolism, pointing out what the students did during the revolution and their enrollment in it and abandonment of their studies.
Mr. Al-Wali and the accompanying delegation also toured the exhibition of the achievements of Al-Wadi students and a number of participants, and viewed a distinguished achievement of a smart robot for treating weeds. He explained how it works using artificial intelligence and technology. He also inspected many patents. The celebration witnessed the showing of a historical documentary tape about Algerian students joining the revolutionary work. The celebration was invigorated by the distinction of Dr. Faraj Abdel Hamid. At the conclusion of the celebration, many male and female students who won in various competitions held in colleges and university services were honored, such as the Reading Challenge - Marathon - Future Lawyer - Participation in the International Commercial Arbitration Competition in Saudi Arabia - Running Activation - Table Tennis - Vertical Poetry - Chess - Effective Student - Writing. Story in French, singing, praise, and sports.


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