El Oued University concludes the second training course for students who own small enterprise projects

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El Oued University concludes the second training course for students who own small business projects

The conclusion of the second training course for students who own small business projects at the Entrepreneurship Development Center at the University of El Oued, which was organized under the supervision of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati. The conclusion was in the presence of: Dr. Amamra Muhammad Youssef, official of the Entrepreneurship Development Center, and Fawzi Mathkour, director of the National Agency for Entrepreneurship Support and Development in the El Oued.
The course was characterized by an intensive training program directed at enhancing the entrepreneurial and applied skills of the participating students, as they were provided with the necessary mechanisms and methods to transform their project ideas into successful institutions. The course lasted for 15 days, and included workshops and lectures, supervised by trainers from the Entrepreneurship Development Center and a trainer from the Entrepreneurship Support and Development Agency (NESDA), and success experiences in the field of business.
For his part, the Director of the Entrepreneurship Development Center praised the students’ efforts and passion to achieve their ambitions, expressing the Center’s readiness to continue supporting them in their next stages. The Director of the National Agency for Entrepreneurship Support and Development stressed the agency’s commitment to providing all the necessary facilities to develop small projects and enhance their financing opportunities and success.
The university, through the Entrepreneurship Development Center, looks forward to continuing to organize such courses in the future, within the framework of supporting the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship among its students, and providing the optimal environment to embody their projects on the ground.

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