Valley University concludes the university’s open days for new baccalaureate degree holders for the 2023 session

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Valley University concludes the university’s open days for new baccalaureate degree holders for the 2023 session


Today, Thursday, July 20, at the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, the university’s open days activities for the benefit of new baccalaureate degree holders for the 2023 session concluded. The last day witnessed a significant response and attendance from the new students who benefited from the directives of the supervising professors and answered their various concerns through workshops for all subjects and open specializations. At the university, specializations of the nature of national registration and their future prospects, including the medical annex, the veterinary branch, and the translation specialization. In parallel, a lecture via video technology was allocated in the televised education hall at the university’s central library headquarters to explain Ministerial Circular No. 01 related to the orientation of new baccalaureate degree holders. There is still at the disposal of students who were unable to attend an electronic space through the university’s website and page that includes introductory videos and brochures about the subjects and specializations mentioned. Welcome, dear students, to the University of the Valley, with our wishes for them good luck and success, God willing.












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