Wadi University concludes the training forum in English for universities in the south

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Wadi University concludes the training forum in English for universities in the south

Today, February 8, 2024, the regional training session for training trainers to enhance the use of the English language concluded at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in the Grand Lecture Hall Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, which lasted from February 4 to February 8, 2024.
In the presence of the Chairman of the National Committee for the Promotion of the English Language, Professor Qassed Asia, and the Vice-Rector of the University for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, Chairman of the Local Committee for the Promotion of the English Language and the Committee Coordinator, Dr. Nasr Dahda, and the Deans of the Faculties and the Professors, Trainers and Trainees from the Eight Universities: Ouargla, Biskra, Tamanrasset, Adrar, M'Sila, Illizi, Ghardaia, El Oued.
In her speech, the Chairperson of the National Committee for the Promotion of the Use of the English Language extended special thanks to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamal Baddari, for his great goals in the field of generalizing the use of the English language and training teachers, and her congratulations to the Director of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, for the success of the training forum and the provision of all pedagogical and logistical conditions for this important event, and for what the University of El Oued has achieved in training its teachers and generalizing the use of the English language in the teaching process. She also extended her thanks to the Chairman and members of the local committee, the members of the organizing committee, and all participating teachers. The Chairperson of the National Committee for the Promotion of the Use of the English Language also presented the recommendations of the training forum, which aimed to promote the use of the English language in teaching technological and scientific standards and working on the products of the training workshops.
The coordinator of the local committee for promoting the use of the English language, Dr. Nasr Dahda, presented the products of the training workshops from which more than 120 professors benefited, thanking the head of the national committee and the university director for all the response and interaction and for providing all the conditions for the training forum.
The Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, which hosted the training forum, Professor Draji Al-Maki, gave a speech in which he welcomed the chairperson of the national and local committees and the training professors and trainees.
In the closing speech of the forum, the Vice-Rector of the University for Pedagogy and Head of the Local Committee, Professor Bashir Manai, expressed his happiness at hosting the University of El Oued for the training forum, which is in line with the vision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in promoting the use of the English language and teaching in technical and scientific sciences and its impact on the quality of education, the advancement of the university’s visibility and openness to global knowledge. He thanked the Chairwoman of the National Committee, Professor Assia Qased, the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, the members of the organizing committee and all the professors, trainers and trainees for this event, the scientific and training commitment and the success of the forum’s activities, announcing the conclusion of the training forum to promote the use of the English language and the training of trainers for the universities of the south and the beginning of successful field and scientific work.
The ceremony also included presenting training certificates to the trained professors.

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