El Oued University concludes the training of newly employed professors

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El Oued University concludes the training of newly employed professors

Today, February 26, 2024, the Grand Lecture Hall of Abu al-Qasim Saadallah at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar hosted the closing ceremony of the training of newly employed professors for the September 2023 batch, in the presence of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati and his deputies, the Secretary-General of the University, the deans of the faculties and their deputies, the head of the training department, and the faculty and trainee professors.
In his speech, the University Rector welcomed the attendees, thanking the coordinator of the training and pedagogical accompaniment cell, Professor Boubacar Mansour, for all the efforts made, as the University of the Oued is considered the first university to launch the process of training newly employed professors on September 9, 2023.
Pointing to the utmost importance of the distinguished, qualitative and continuous training process in horizontal subjects and the English language in its multiple dimensions for newly employed professors, and to the importance of the historic decision of the President of the Republic to benefit holders of doctoral and master’s degrees and to employ them, which our university is blessed with, stressing the role and effectiveness of the professor because he is a carrier of a national message, pointing to instructions Mr. Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the field of training for the benefit of the university’s visibility and its scientific and social openness. The Director addressed the professors about their noble responsibility, stressing the discipline and constant concern for the development and effectiveness of the university institution across all fields. While Professor Boubacar Mansour Al-Sayed thanked the University President for the continuous support that raises the quality of training and all the faculty members and administrative staff.
In his speech, the representative of the newly employed professors, Dr. Jamal Zouari, gave special thanks to the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, for granting them the opportunity to employ him, and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and all of the university rector, the coordinator of the training cell, and the faculty members for their efforts and actual contribution to the quality of training and improving the university’s visibility. While the ceremony included a minute of silence to pay respect to the deceased of the batch, Professor Labihi Abdel Malek.
In conclusion, the University President and the newly appointed professors of the 2023 class were honored.

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