Wadi University nominated to win the Times Arab University Award in the “International Strategy for the Year 2024” axis

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Wadi University nominated to win the Times Arab University Award in the “International Strategy for the Year 2024” axis


With the continuous efforts of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued and its active team, starting with the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, the research and technical team, and the entire university family, and among eight Arab universities, El Oued University was nominated to win the Times Arab University Award in the axis of “International Strategy for the Year 2024.”

Wadi University presented a file containing the university’s main projects and programs, which highlights the global partnerships that Wadi University has established with universities around the world.

Awarded by the Times Higher Education, which is responsible for the world university rankings, Wadi University has showcased a dynamic international strategy that has significantly enhanced its global presence. Through a strategic focus on collaborations, such as the Erasmus+ programme, the university has facilitated extensive cultural and academic exchange, benefiting over 26,000 students and 1,080 faculty members. These initiatives not only enrich the academic experience, but also promote cross-cultural understanding across its diverse student body.

Recognized as the first Algerian university to receive the “Study in Algeria” label, El Oued University sets high standards in international education, attracting students from around the world, enhancing enrollment and financial stability. This recognition confirms our commitment to excellence in global education standards. Our successful international collaborations are evident in the Renewable Energy Development Unit and other research centers that align with global sustainability goals, reinforcing our role as a leader in innovative research.









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