Al Wadi University participates in the Student Creativity Festival with the University of Kairouan in Tunisia

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Al Wadi University participates in the Student Creativity Festival with the University of Kairouan in Tunisia

The University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued participated in the Student Creativity Festival organized by the University of Kairouan in the sister country of Tunisia with a delegation that included supervisors from professors, cultural activists, and students representing the university.
The delegation of the University of El Oued was headed by Dr. Abdelkader Azzam Awadi, accompanied by Mr. Mokhtar Charit. This representation of the University of El Oued falls within the framework of the 5+5 agreement for Algerian and Tunisian border universities.
Al Wadi University participated in the student festival with its various activities. In the sports activity of football, the university obtained third place, and in the field of student creativity in the art of drawing, animation and poetry recitation.


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