The University of the Valley participates in the activities of the doctoral days at the National School of Engineers in Gabes, Tunisia

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El Oued University participates in the activities of the doctoral days at the National School of Engineers in Gabes, Tunisia

Within the framework of international cooperation between the Algerian-Tunisian universities 5+5 and with the recommendations of the Director of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, today, May 7, 2024, the University of the Oued participated in the activities of the Doctoral Days organized over two days by the National School of Engineers in Gabès, sisterly Tunisia.
The University of the Valley was represented by a delegation from the three technical colleges of Technology, Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences. The delegation consisted of six professors and eight doctoral students under the chairmanship of Dr. Mohamed Al-Tayeb and Wasif Khaled, Director of the Research Unit in Renewable Energies.
The university's student researchers presented summaries of their research work and the professors participated in discussing the presented works. The first day concluded with two workshops, the first on valuing research outputs and the second on the carbon footprint, where Valley University professors had interventions that influenced the content of the two workshops.
The El Oued University delegation also had very fruitful scientific meetings with the Libyan delegation from Sabratha University.

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