El Oued University participates in the meeting of the Secretary-General of the Ministry regarding the Office of Consulting, Research and Development

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El Oued University participates in the meeting of the Secretary-General of the Ministry regarding the Office of Consulting, Research and Development

Today, January 21, 2024, the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, represented by the university’s rector, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his deputy, Mohamed Fouad Farhat, for external relations, the official of university interfaces, the Secretary-General of the university, Dr. Shawki Mudallal, the official of the Entrepreneurship Development Center, Dr. Mohamed Youssef Amamra, and the head of the Networks Department, Mr. Samir Qadiri, participated in the symposium. The Regional Universities of the East decided to establish a consulting, research and development office, which he headedMr. Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, with the Chairman of the National Committee for Follow-up of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Incubators.
This symposium, which was held via distance learning technology, falls within the framework of the efforts of the higher education and scientific research sector to make its university and research institutions wealth-creating and contributing to economic and social development.
The Chairman of the Regional Symposium for the East, the Directors of Higher Education and Scientific Research Institutions, and the General Secretaries of University Institutions participated in this meeting. The meeting focused on the topic of mechanisms for establishing an interface called the “Consultation, Research and Development Office,” which has an important role in creating wealth in accordance with Resolution 215, which enables the university to establish its own institution according to the legal forms proposed by the Ministry (SPA or SARL), as it gives strength and support to the national economy.







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والي ولاية الوادي يفتتح ورشة وطنية حول شعبة بذور البطاطا “الوضع الحالي، التحديات والحلول المبتكرة”بجامعة الوادي

  والي ولاية الوادي يفتتح ورشة وطنية حول شعبة بذور البطاطا “الوضع الحالي، التحديات والحلول المبتكرة”بجامعة الوادي اشرف اليوم الأربعاء 19 فيفري 2025 السيد والي ولاية الوادي “العربي بهلول” على افتتاح فعاليات الورشة الوطنية حول شعبة بذور البطاطا بالوادي، الوضع الحالي، التحديات والحلول المنظمة من طرف المدرسة العليا للفلاحة الصحراوية وجامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر ممثلة في كلية علوم الطبيعة والحياة وبالتعاون مع الغرفة الفلاحية ومديرية المصالح الفلاحية بالولاية ومجموعة التفكير فلاحة ابتكار، بحضور السيد رئيس المجلس الشعبي الولائي عز الدين حساني والسيد مدير جامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر البروفيسور عمر فرحاتي ومدير المدرسة العليا للفلاحة الصحراوية البروفيسور الحبيب قده والسلطات المحلية