Al Wadi University honors Uzbek students on the occasion of completing their training in the Arabic language

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Al Wadi University honors Uzbek students on the occasion of completing their training in the Arabic language

Today, January 29, 2024, the Faculty of Arts and Languages at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar organized a ceremony in honor of the Uzbek students who completed an intensive four-month training in the Arabic language.
The celebration was supervised by the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, along with the Director of University Services, the Dean of the College, Professor Dalal Washan, and the Dean of the College of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Ammar Ghraisa, in the presence of the Vice Dean of Arts and Languages for Postgraduate Studies in the Third Phase, Professor Youssef Al-Ayeb, the Head of the Department, Dr. Abdul Aziz Misbahi, and the Secretary-General of the College and Head of the Pedagogical Committee, Dr. Hamza Hamada.
The University Director congratulated the 11 Uzbek students for their ability to master the Arabic language, both spoken and written. He also thanked their supervisor, Ms. Aygul bint Omar, for the successful accompaniment, wishing everyone a bright future in their country with the Arabic language.
For her part, the Dean of the College thanked the Uzbek students for their success in mastering the Arabic language and learning its grammar and some of its sciences. She also noted the active role of the University President who spared no effort - as she said - in providing the objective conditions capable of ensuring a good education for the Uzbek students, wishing them success and good luck in their academic future. The Chairman of the Pedagogical Committee supervising the teaching of Arabic to non-native speakers, Dr. Hamza Hamada, also noted the level of the Uzbek students and their skill in accelerating their learning process and reaching an honorable level, thanking the professors who taught them the Arabic language.
Mr. Jamal Quraisha, Director of University Services, also gave a farewell speech to the Uzbek students, noting their good behavior and good treatment throughout their stay, wishing them a safe return to their country.
In their speeches, the Uzbek students expressed their sincere thanks to the university director for all the facilities provided in the distinguished training they received, thanking the dean of the college, all the training professors, the director of university services, and the entire university family of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, noting that their training days were days of bright knowledge in their second country, Algeria, whose beauty and the kindness of its people amazed them, repeating its Iliad.

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