El Oued University organizes a national forum on advertising discourse in Algeria

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El Oued University organizes a national forum on advertising discourse in Algeria

Today, Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, represented by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Media and Communication, organized a national forum on advertising discourse in Algeria, reality, challenges and stakes, organized by the Department of Media and Communication in person and remotely.
The opening began with clear verses from the Holy Quran, followed by standing to listen to the national anthem, then a speech by Dr. Ziad Ismail, the head of the forum, in which he welcomed all guests from inside and outside the state, pointing out the goals of the forum and its most important axes, including diagnosing the nature of advertising discourse in Algeria and benefiting from national and international expertise to keep pace with current digital developments. Then the floor was given to Dr. Hamza Qaddah, head of the Media and Communication Department, who praised the role of the University President, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, and the Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Ghraisa, in supporting the scientific activities of the Media and Communication Department, extending thanks and gratitude to the media family of the state of El Oued for their support of student internships, and for attending the activities of the department, especially Radio Algeria from El Oued and El Magher, and the national newspaper Al-Qaed News, Al-Jadeed and Al-Tahrir, as well as the great role of the media cell at the university in highlighting the university’s dynamism and its various activities. After that, the floor was given to the Dean of the College, who welcomed the attendees from inside and outside the state, and everyone who contributed from near or far to the success of the forum, especially the media family inside and outside the university. The Dean also praised With the large attendance of students for the works of the forum, which I consider a criterion for its success and the success of the college, which we are proud of its students and cares about their affairs and successes, and at the end of the opening speeches, the Director of Radio Algeria from El Oued, Mr. Tawfiq Belkacem, accompanied by the Director of the Forum, Dr. Ismail Ziad, took the initiative to honor the Dean of the College in recognition of his efforts in advancing the college and its openness to its external environment in implementation of the directives of the University Director.
The forum's work will then begin directly through two scientific sessions chaired by Dr. Abdel Rahim Ben Bouzian and Professor Dr. Nasreddine Bouzian from the University of Constantine, and attended by a group of professors from universities across the country, Oran, the capital, Annaba, Constantine, Souk Ahras, Batna, Biskra, Ouargla and Tebessa, during which they presented valuable and diverse scientific interventions on the semiotics of advertising discourse and its applied models, advertising discourse in the digital age, cultural values in Algerian advertising discourse, the effectiveness of advertising discourse in directing consumer behavior, as well as the use of memes technology in socio-digital networks, to conclude the interventions with rich discussions raised by the attending students and answered by the participating professors.
The forum will continue until tomorrow, Thursday, February 15, 2024, with sessions using remote conferencing technology from the Information Technology and Tele-education Hall, which was recently inaugurated by the University President, during which more than seventy papers will be presented in five scientific sessions that address several axes in advertising discourse in Algeria, the most important of which are advertising discourse in the digital environment, cultural and ideological representations in advertising discourse, as well as its legal and ethical controls.
The national forum will conclude in the college’s lecture and discussion hall with a set of recommendations that reflect the essence of the problems raised during the forum, and the presentation of scientific solutions that keep pace with the digital age, and crown it with a national collective book that includes all the valuable scientific contributions to be preserved in the university’s digital library to be a source of knowledge for media and communication students.

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