El Oued University organizes a national forum on cybersecurity and comprehensive security issues in Algeria

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El Oued University organizes a national forum on cybersecurity and comprehensive security issues in Algeria

Today, May 13, 2024, the Inspector General of the State, representing the Governor of the State, Mr. Said Akhraf, supervised the opening of the national forum entitled “Cybersecurity and Comprehensive Security Challenges in Algeria,” headed by the Director of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and the Social Development Research Laboratory. And community service.
The forum was attended by a representative of the Governor of El Oued State, the Inspector General of the State, the security and civil authorities, members of the National People’s Assembly, deputy directors, deans of colleges, the director of university services, a representative of the Postal and Transportation Directorate, the Scout Movement, and a group of professors and researchers from inside and outside the state, students, and the media family.
The Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research delivered a speech on the occasion, welcoming the attendees, noting the forum and the importance it holds at the present time, hoping that the forum would come up with recommendations and visions to be realistically embodied. The Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Gharaysa, also expressed his happiness about organizing the extremely important forum represented by cybersecurity, which constitutes the core The Algerian strategy aims to ensure an integrated security system with interconnected and interconnected systems.
The director of the forum, Dr. Al-Azhar Daif, also gave a speech in which he referred to the role of the social development laboratory and community service and to the idea of the forum that addresses the issue of cybersecurity and through it confronts all challenges and risks.
The opening session began directly under the chairmanship of Professor Bilal Boutraa, which included several interventions: first, on cybersecurity and building an integrated security system, presented by Professor Bouhania Qawi, University of Ouargla, and the second, by the representative of the state security, entitled The Security Apparatus, Information Technology and Cybersecurity, and third, by Professor Mustafa Sayeh, from the University of Algiers 3 on International indicators for measuring cybersecurity, and Professor of Political Sociology, Dr. Abdullah Raqiq, presented his intervention entitled Cybersecurity and the Knowledge Society, and focused on the awareness of social structures of the dangers of cybercrime, represented by striking the social fabric and the reliability of state institutions, and the importance of linking cybersecurity to digitization, which was emphasized by the President of the Republic, to begin Then there will be scientific workshops and the presentation of research papers for two days.
On this occasion, the man of knowledge and distinguished researcher, Professor Huwaidi Abdel Basset, founder of the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory, was honored for his continuous work and activating the research teams in their social impact.
The forum aims to achieve a number of objectives:
1- Spreading awareness of the importance of preserving national security from unsafe use of social media.
2- Holding training workshops for doctoral students on technical issues and programs related to cybersecurity.
3- Trying to learn about the experiences of countries in combating the illegal use of social media.
4- Push civil society bodies and organizations to join hands with state institutions to achieve comprehensive security.
5- Identify the role of researchers in framing research related to the topic.
6- Publishing research related to the topic in classified journals.
The work will continue after that by programming several interventions from professors and researchers distributed among the scientific sessions in workshops and interventions until tomorrow.

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