El Oued University organizes a study day on law and medical sciences

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El Oued University organizes a study day on law and medical sciences

Today, April 30, 2024, the Medical Attaché at the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, in partnership between the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences and the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, organized a study day centered around law and medical sciences.
The event was attended by the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, his deputy in charge of scientific research, the Director of the Medical Attaché, the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, specialist doctors and professors from the state and from the sister country of Tunisia, and medical and biology students.
The University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised the opening of the scientific demonstration, welcoming the attendees to this distinguished scientific edifice. He pointed to the achievements of the annex, saying: “We seek to transform the annex into a college.” He also urged the students to work continuously, excel and diligently, wishing them good luck and success.
Professor Samir Darwish, Director of the Medical Attaché, also gave a speech about the academic day, which is an addition to the college and support for students, noting the participation of several activities in one day, represented in “Law and Medical Sciences,” the seventh edition of biological and medical sciences, and the International Obesity Day, and this falls within the Ministry’s mission to combat obesity in the environment. University University, with the participation of the Imprint of Hope Club for people of high determination and the Rael Club, thanking all those who contributed to the promotion of the annex and this event.
For his part, Professor Makki Al-Daraji expressed his happiness with the event, and pointed to the culture of twinning between colleges and the great importance of this meeting on the subject of “Law and Medical Sciences,” wishing everyone benefit. While the Dean of the College of Natural and Life Sciences, Dr. Zaatar Abdel Malek, pointed out the importance of the meeting and its goals, and the distinguished President of the Imprint of Amal Club, Khamisti Ashab, touched on the participation of the Imprint of Amal Club in the “Your Medicine is in Your Food” activity by allocating pavilions and special offers to the subject, thanking the University President for his constant interaction. With our students.
The study day covered several topics, including medical responsibility, studying the relationship between law and medical practice, medical errors, and what is related to the use of modern technology in medicine, through several interventions provided by experts and specialists in the field.

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